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July 20, 2024

WiN and his colleagues published a new study on the evolution of water striders and sea skaters in Insect Systematics and Diversity

January 4, 2024

WiN gave an interview to National Geographic Thailand.


         Watcharapong Hongjamrassilp (WiN)  is a biologist and an assistant professor at the Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Born and raised in Thailand, a global biodiversity hotspot, WiN developed a lifelong fascination with the natural world that led him to a career in biology. As a "biologist without borders," he has explored ecosystems across multiple disciplines and continents to study extraordinary creatures and their unique behaviors.

          WiN’s journey in science began with a fully funded scholarship from the Royal Thai Government, supporting his studies from his undergraduate degree through to his Ph.D. As an undergraduate at Chulalongkorn University, he contributed to research across diverse fields including medical genetics, marine ecology, and entomology, honing a wide-ranging scientific skillset. His early research culminated in a publication in the Journal of Hymenoptera Research, on the "Nesting Biology of a Carpenter Bee in Thailand," which was awarded the Grand Champion Trophy by Hitachi Company, Japan.

         In 2014, WiN pursued a master’s degree at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, where he investigated the evolution of fish behavior and morphology. His work, blending geometric morphometrics, behavioral ecology, and molecular biology, provided insights into how behavioral diversity drives morphological adaptation. This work led to his role as an academic assistant for NHK (Japan’s national public broadcasting organization), supporting the production of an underwater documentary on fish behavior that aired nationwide in Japan on April 16, 2017.

          WiN began his Ph.D. in Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2017, where he applied his passion for biology to address conservation challenges. His research uncovered the secrets of the semiaquatic mass migration of freshwater shrimp, known as “Parading Behavior,” and examined the impact of ecotourism on shrimp migration in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. This work contributes to our understanding of species behavior, habitat conservation, and the broader effects of human activity on wildlife.

September 18, 2023

WiN and his colleagues published a new study on the evolution of the Longjaw mudsucker in the Journal of Fish Biology

September 3, 2023

WiN is featured in a popular YouTube channel, "Farose Channel" in Thailand. In the video, he took us to La Jolla Cove in San Diego to learn about marine mammals and to Scripps Institution of Oceanography to see the the Naga head (aka Oarfish).

Kai Ban.JPG

May 14, 2023

WiN gave an interview in Lips magazine

January 20, 2023

WiN first published a collaborative project with National Geographic Thailand. This project is a series of 12 articles, "Learn Biology through Disney cartoon". In celebrating Chinese New Year, he wrote about the biology of Cricket in Mulan. The article is in Thai

"Kai Bann" from Farose Channel (in Thai) - Deciphering the secret of Naga picture (Oarfish) in the Marine Vertebrate Collection at Scripps Institution of Oceanography  (800K views)
Parading shrimp - Macrobrachium dienbienphuense
Sarcastic Fringehead - Neoclinus blanchardi

Read other articles from this series  here

November 20, 2022

WiN joined Witcast Ep.122 to share about this research on animal behavior and evolution.

November 18, 2022

WiN and his colleagues have been awarded 'Paper of the Year' award by the Journal of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, UK 

October 30, 2022

WiN gave an interview to ChulaRadio Plus regarding Marine Insects and Animal Behavior research.

Paper of the Year award by Journal of Zoology,

Zoological Society of London

October 29, 2022

WiN gave an outreach talk for National Geographic Thailand entitled "Biology outside a classroom: Search for animals in cartoons"

October 14, 2022

WiN research is featured in the New York Times and National Geographic


Talk at the Sustainability Expo 2022 (Starting at 16.10)

People you May Know PYMK: Charles Darwin

October 6, 2022

WiN and his colleagues published their research on Sarcastic Fringehead behavior in Ecology. 

Read about this work here

September 29 – 30, 2022

WiN and his National Geographic explorer friends participated as speakers at "Postcards from Planet Possible" event and organizers of the "Once Upon A Coastline" workshop at the Sustainability Expo 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand

Email:   watcharapong.ho [at] chula [dot] ac [dot] th

Research Interests
•   Evolutionary Biology
•   Behavioral Ecology
•   Marine Biology

•   Animal Communication and Signaling
•   Conservation Behavior and Ecotourism
Department of Marine Science (SCI10), Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Phaya Thai Road, Wang Mai, Pathum Wan district, Bangkok, Thailand, 10330

All rights reserved

© Watcharapong Hongjamrassilp

Last updated: November 14,  2024

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